Next long holiday in UAE: 5-day break for Eid Al Adha; likely dates revealed – News 4537 4c8d 812e 18794d56ee24&function=cropresize&type=preview&source=false&q=75&crop w=0.99999&crop h=0.99778&width=1200&height=675&x=1.0E 5&y=0

Published: Mon 15 Apr 2024, 6:00 AM

Last updated: Sat 4 May 2024, 10:02 AM

After a month of reduced work hours during Ramadan, followed by a 9-day break to mark the Islamic festival Eid Al Fitr, it’s back to regular routine for UAE residents. Though the year’s longest holiday may be over, the next best — a likely five-day break — is just weeks away.

Residents in the UAE will most likely enjoy the extended weekend to mark the holiest day in Islam – the Arafah Day — and the Eid Al Adha festival. The break will be in the second week of June. The exact dates will be announced closer to the date, according to Sheikh Ayaz Houzee, Imam of NGS and Khateeb at Al Manar Islamic Centre.

Eid Al Adha falls approximately two months and a few days after Eid Al Fitr, as per the Islamic calendar’s lunar-based system. “Due to the Islamic calendar’s reliance on the lunar cycle, it sees shifts in the dates of both Eid festivals each year, advancing approximately 10 to 11 days earlier annually,” said Sheikh Ayaz.

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All Islamic Hijri calendar months last 29 or 30 days depending on when the crescent Moon is spotted in the night sky. Arafah Day is on Dhul Hijjah 9 in the Islamic calendar. Eid Al Adha is celebrated over the three days after.

Likely Eid break dates

As per the Hijri calendar published on the Dubai Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department (IACAD) website, Dhul Hijjah 1 is likely on Saturday, June 8. Astronomical calculations predict the same date, according to Khadijah Ahmad, operations manager, Dubai Astronomy Group.

If this is the case, Arafah Day is on Sunday, June 16 (Dhul Hijjah 9). Eid Al Adha then is on Monday, June 17 (Dhul Hijjah 10). The break, therefore, is from Sunday, June 16, to Wednesday, June 19. Including the weekend (Saturday, June 15), that’s five days off to mark the festival. These dates will be revised if needed depending on Moon sightings.

Significance of Eid Al Adha

Eid al-Adha is the festival of sacrifice, and is one of the most significant occasions in Islam. It commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah.

Eid al Adha is a reminder of the values of faith, sacrifice, and compassion ingrained in Islamic values. The day begins with Eid prayers at mosques, where Muslims gather to seek blessings and guidance.

Post prayers, they exchange greetings and embrace each other, expressing joy and gratitude.

Delicious feasts are prepared, symbolising the abundance and generosity of God’s blessings.

The highlight of Eid al-Adha celebration is the Qurbani or the act of sacrificing animal which symbolizes Prophet Ibrahim’s (PBUH) act of devotion to Allah.

The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts – one for the family, one for relatives and friends, and one for the less fortunate in the community.


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